About us

Founded in 2010, Belong’s vision is to ensure hope, rehabilitation and recovery for victims and perpetrators of harm. Our mission is to inspire change by providing long-term, individualised responses to conflict and crime. We work with children, young people and adults in custodial and community settings. Belong works nationally across the United Kingdom, mainly within London and the South East of England. We also use our frontline knowledge to influence the criminal justice landscape, playing a significant part in developing a more effective, more humane criminal justice system.

Our main services include:

We also provide training for criminal justice staff and prisoners in trauma-informed and restorative approaches. We specialise in working with those that are hardest to reach.

Belong currently supports hundreds of victims, perpetrators, and criminal justice staff each year. Our services contribute to a more humane, effective criminal justice system by giving both victims and perpetrators the space to be heard, and the hope to move forward positively.

Our services are delivered through-the-gate, and focus on preparing individuals from release from the criminal justice system and to live crime-free lives.

We deliver our interventions with our values of inspiration, respect, empowerment, restoration and patience at our core.

 The best way of finding our about us is by looking at what our service users have created! Why don’t you give yourself a bit of time today to stop, and take a look at some of the beautiful artwork made by people in prison working with Belong?  Make yourself a cup of tea, and when you’re ready, click here.